PixelYourSite Pro
4 February 2025
- Fixing a possible issue with the LDU filter logic.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.2.1
29 January 2025
- Events conditions: extra options for configuring events, giving you more flexibility for tracking key actions.
- Support for Meta Limited Data Use via a dedicated filter. ConsentMagic will use it to implement a special LDU rule targeting US states that support for LDU.
- Optimizing the code and images in order to make the plugin’s UI work faster.
- Fixing various issues and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
23 January 2025
- Fixing various potential issues.
PixelYourSite Pro
20 January 2025
- Fixing a possible problem with Easy Digital Downloads and Stripe.
PixelYourSite Pro
16 January 2025
- Fixing some small possible issues.
PixelYourSite Pro
16 January 2025
- Fixing a possible issue with Fluent form events
- Fixing a possible issue with Sunshine Photo Cart Checkout
- Fixing a possible issue with Cookiebot
- Additional changes related to ConsentMagic.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.2.0
12 January 2025
- Code changes to ensure compatibility with the new options from the Super Pack add-on that allow you to use “track” or “don’t track” with complex conditions for each tag.
- Various code changes and improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
9 January, 2025
PixelYourSite Pro 11.1.4
6 January, 2025
- New Meta settings allow you to disable event parameters that can track Protected Health Information (PHI). Recommended for websites with medical content.
- New event triggers: WooCommerce add to cart, WooCommerce purchase. These triggers let you configure CUSTOM events that can replace end-of-the-funnel standard events like AddToCart or Purchase. Meta might not allow websites with MEDICAL content to use standard events, but custom events are still permitted.
PixelYourSite Pro
27 December, 2024
- Small code changes to ensure that Google tags installed by third-party solutions are in no way affected by the plugin when no Google tag ID is present in the settings.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.1.3
12 December, 2024
- New options allow control of how tracking works for subdomains-domain environments (our native landing page, traffic source, and UTMs tracking).
- A new event that tracks 404 errors – Google Analytics (default ON) and GTM (default OFF).
PixelYourSite Pro
4 December, 2024
- Fixing issues related to GTM script controls.
- Improvements related to the plugin updating process.
- Security enhancements.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.1.2
2 December, 2024
- New events trigger that allows you to fire events on the homepage easily.
- WooCommerce Client export for Google. You can use it when configuring new customer acquisition ads.
- Code improvements for the WooCommerce events tracking lifetime value or the total number of purchases.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.1.1
25 November, 2024
- New JavaScript listener for events, explained on the Filters and Hooks page of the plugin.
- New option that allows you to hide the data tracked by the plugin on WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads order pages.
- Fix for a possible conflict with Elementor Pro.
- Fix for a possible issue with the HTML click events trigger.
PixelYourSite Pro
20 November, 2024
- Fixing a possible issue affecting WooComemrce subscriptions.
- Fixing a possible conflict with Elementor Pro.
PixelYourSite Pro
17 November, 2024
- Fix for a potential error related to some missing files.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.1.0
15 November, 2024
- Fixing small code issues and potential problems.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.1.0
13 November, 2024
- New options related to our native Google Tags data layer are available on the Google Tags Settings page. You can choose between our default names (dataLayerPYS – RECOMMENDED), the usual name, dataLayer (it can create conflicts when using our native tags along our GTM integration), or a custom name. These options are useful if there are conflicts between our names and the names declared by external scripts.
- Support for the new_customer parameter for our native Google Tags and GTM – WooCommerce and EDD Purchase events. This parameter is used by Google Ads New Customer campaigns.
- “Send just the data layer” option for our GTM integration.
- WooCommerce and EDD item prices will follow the settings configured under Value Options about taxes (include, exclude).
- WooCommerce and EDD events values updated: value options will now affect all the tags. We recommend sending value to Purchase events, but value is also supported for product events, cart events, and checkout events.
- ON/OFF options for each tag added on the main page. We removed almost similar options from the tags settings pages.
- New options for GTM custom events: add automated parameters in the data layer, remove the customTrigger object, use a custom name for the custom parameters object.
- Fixing a small bug related to the GTM object name used to track custom event parameters.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.0.1
28 October, 2024
- A new GTM configuration download file will set up a GTM container with variables tracking all our parameters and triggers tracking all our events. Version 1.0 of the file will also configure GA4 tags.
- Changes to the GTM data layer variable name to avoid possible conflicts.
- New GTM data layer structure that will make it easier to track our data.
- Fixing a possible conflict with WPRocket that resulted in the plugin being disabled on pages created with the cache pre-load feature.
- A new option that lets you remove bots from the disallow list using their user-name.
- Now you can disable bot blocking functionality if it creates problems.
PixelYourSite Pro 11.0.0
8 October, 2024
- Google Tag Manager Support. It’s now possible to install a GTM container. We push all our default and custom events to the GTM Data Layer. This is only a beta version and we plan to develop it further. In the future, we will offer an Import file to implement a GMT container with all the triggers and variables required to track our events and parameters, plus the most popular tags.
- Multiple triggers for our events: when configuring events with the plugin you can now use multiple triggers (logic AND).
- WPML option for WooCommerce events: you select the main language IDs for e-commerce events making it possible to use localized feeds for your catalogs.
- Improving our crawler detect feature that can block a large number of known crawlers from triggering API events.
- Fixing possible conflicts with other plugins using outdated versions of the Guzzle library.
- Fixing a possible issue with YouTube and Vimeo scripts.
- Fixing a possible issue with item category tracking for some WooCommerce events.
- Fixing and improving the code.
PixelYourSite Pro
19 September, 2024
- Improving some queries to avoid memory issues.
- Fixing a problem related to lifetime value and Advanced Marketing Events.
PixelYourSite Pro
18 September, 2024
- Fixing possible issues and conflicts.
- Minimum PHP requirements 7.2.5.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.5
18 September, 2024
- New Elementor forms trigger fire events when an Elementor form is successfully submitted.
- The automatic Form event will fire on a form submitted for Elementor forms instead of the form’s button clicks.
- New trigger for email links: fire events for one or multiple email links.
- Bot/Crawlers list updated.
- New parameter for WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Purchase Tracking events for Meta, Google, and TikTok tags: advanced_purchase_tracking. It will help identify events triggered by this option in the reports or our native logs.
- Declaring compatibility with WooCommerce 9.3.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.4
5 September, 2024
- New events trigger: fire your events for embedded YouTube or Vimeo videos.
- WooCommerce and EDD ChatGPT export include payment type. You can now ask ChatGPT to analyze the data based on the payment type.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.3
23 August, 2024
- New option regarding Google Tags user data with support for multiple user values (up to 3 email addresses, up to 2 address fields).
- Fix related to the URL parameters events trigger logic.
- Security improvement related to the API logs. Now access is restricted based on the plugin’s permission settings. Only user types with permission can download the logs.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.2
14 August, 2024
- A new option that lets you use URL parameter values as personal data with API events or for Google Enhanced Conversions.
- Data persistency option for personal data used with the API events or Google Enhanced Conversions: you can select between using data for as long as possible (default), or updating it whenever possible.
- WSForm integration: our default Form event will fire when the form data is successfully submitted.
- WSForm integration: you can configure your own events for one or multiple forms that will fire when the form is submitted.
- Recurring tracking for our WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads reports.
- A fix related to the Litespeed cache.
- A fix related to a possible bug with Funnelkit checkout pages.
- Various code improvements and warning fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.1
31 July, 2024
- New options regarding external IDs. We now store a temporary value for external IDs using transients for up to 10 minutes, creating the premises to detect returning traffic based on IP addresses even when it’s done from a different browser or device. This can be turned OFF on the Global Settings page.
- Improved way to generate external IDs to fix missing values in some instances.
- A new Global Settings page, linked from the main right-side menu. We moved the Global Settings from the Dashboard page to this dedicated section.
- We improved how we fire purchase events for WooCommerce to cover some niche cases and configurations we noticed on clients’ websites.
- A new filter that allows developers to control Google Tags’ url_passthrough option. The filter is explained on the Google Tags Settings page. We also use this filter with our ConsentMagic plugin, allowing you to configure consent settings for this option.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.0
23 July, 2024
- Trigger events based on page view numbers. The new trigger supports conditions like the page view number, URLs, or URL parameters.
- New log options for Google Measurement Protocol events.
- New options allowing WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads reports related data.
- Fixing various small bugs and warnings.
PixelYourSite Pro
15 July, 2024
- Fixing possible warnings and small issues.
- Declaring compatibility for WooCommerce 9.1
PixelYourSite Pro 10.3.0
9 July, 2024
- Unified event ID logic that will help with Google Tag Manager server-side implementation for various tags and APIs.
- Fixing various issues related to WPRocket.
- Fixing a possible bug with Easy Digital Downloads purchase events.
- Fixing a bug related to Fluent Forms event triggers.
- Other small bugs were fixed, and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.2.3
25 June, 2024
- The GA4 server container URL option is OFF by default.
- Code improvements,
- New video links.
PixelYourSite Pro
5 June, 2024
- Improving the way the plugin works when caches or multiple caches are used. Fixing possible issues with event IDs, and API events.
- Fixing a possible issue with WooCommerce ViewContent value.
- Fixing a possible issue with the GA4 server container URL.
- Fixing other small bugs and warnings.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.2.2
31 May, 2024
- Fixing a possible problem with API events triggered by crawlers, or other non-visitor-related activities. This resulted in a very large number or API events compared to browser events.
- The crawler filter for API events is always turned ON.
- Improving the way we track and generate fbp. This can lead in time to better conversion tracking.
- New ON/OFF Ajax option for API events. It allows you to disable Ajax for static API events if there are problems when loading the page (such as updating the WooCommerce cart).
- Fixing a possible issue with Vimeo embedded videos where our events were not fired.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.2.1
28 May, 2024
- New option allowing to send user-provided data with Google Tags. Additional information on the Google Tags Settings page.
- New options for the Google Analytics 4 tags related to GTM server containers.
- Google Tags new option: pass through ad click, client ID, and session ID information in URLs.
PixelYourSite Pro
17 May, 2024
- Fixing a possible bug resulting in a JS error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘advancedMatchingEnabled’).
PixelYourSite Pro 10.2.0
12 May, 2024
- GA4 server container URL: allows you to feed a GTM server-side container with our Google Analytics 4 tag.
- Fixing various small bugs and warnings, plus code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.1.3
30 April, 2024
- Unifying Google Tags IDs options for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
- Adding two new crawlers to the excluded list, ClaudeBot or SeekportBot.
- WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Marketing events will now follow the Purchase event firing options.
- Compatibility with the Fox WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin.
- Compatibility with the Handsome Checkout plugin.
- Fixing other small bugs and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
22 April, 2024
- Fixing possible speed issues related to WooCommerce products with a large number of variants. It’s recommended that the add to cart events use hooks instead of classes.
- Fixing a possible problem with WooCommerce HPOS, where the tracking type was not correctly updated.
- Small code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.1.2
8 April, 2024
- Fixing a possible issue where the tags were permanently blocked by some consent plugins.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.1.1
27 March, 2024
- Improvements in how we track Meta Conversion API fbc parameters.
- Google Ads conversion label will be added to the event instead of triggering a separate conversion.
- Changes regarding ConsentMagic cache option.
- Small code improvements and bug fixing.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.1.0
19 March, 2024
- Google Consent Mode is activated by default. You can change this on the Google Tags Settings page. The plugin sends Google events with consent parameters values as “granted”. It’s recommended you have a consent plugin that manages users’ consent. Our own solution is called ConsentMagic.
- New option to disable PHP session use. If you have problems with PHP sessions, turn this OFF.
- Fixing various bugs and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.0.1
7 March, 2024
- Some additional parameters were added to Google Tags events.
- Fixing a possible issue on WooCommerce order confirmation pages for non-existing order IDs.
- Fixing a possible issue related to importing Google custom events from the free version of the plugin.
- Video links updated.
PixelYourSite Pro 10.0.1
4 March, 2024
- Automated events parameters for Google tags were updated, to match the data sent to the other type of tags. These parameters can be used to create custom dimensions.
- Fixing small bugs and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
28 Feb, 2024
- Small code changes to avoid some possible problems and to ensure full compatibility with ConsentMagic latest version.
PixelYourSite Pro
23 Feb, 2024
- Adding the Google Ads conversion value options to some WooCommerce and EDD events.
- Fixing a problem with Google Ads conversion value for the WooCommerce AddToCart event.
- Fixing a possible compatibility issue with the Real Cookie banner plugin.
PixelYourSite Pro
19 Feb, 2024
- Fixing small bugs and code improvement.
- Video links updated for Google-related videos (tag IDs, events, conversion, enhanced conversion).
PixelYourSite Pro 10.0.0
12 Feb, 2024
- Introducing support for Google Consent Mode V2 via the ConsentMagic plugin.
- Introducing new Google Consent Mode V2 filters that other consent plugins can use.
- A new option to fire Google Tags with the consent mode parameters with value granted, is recommended for websites that have consent plugins that block the tags before consent is given.
- Improvements on how we send enhanced conversion for Google Ads when the conversion is configured with custom events.
- Fixing a possible issue related to hiding tags when the URL contains functionality.
- Fixing a possible issue related to hiding the tag for a session when the landing URL contains some URL parameters.
- Code improvements and small fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro
7 Feb, 2024
- Fix for a bug related to Google Tags custom events manes not being saved all the time.
- Fix for a possible issue with the event_id when multiple Meta Pixels with CAPI are configured.
- Fix for a possible error, PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function PixelYourSite\AjaxHookEventManager
PixelYourSite Pro
1 Feb, 2024
- Code improvements related to possible speed increase on large WooCommerce sites.
- Fixing a possible bug on the WooCommerce checkout page.
- Changing the zip archive so that is not affected by a recent WordPress core bug that results in rejecting zip files generated with the Mac native archiver – Incompatible Archive error when uploading the plugin.
PixelYourSite Pro
24 Jan, 2024
- Fix for a possible error triggered on some, E_ERROR was caused on line number 1088
PixelYourSite Pro 9.12.0
23 Jan, 2024
- GA4 and Google Ads tags are unified.
- begin_checkout event for Google Ads tags with conversion label support.
- Improvements to how we support Real Cookie Banner integration, as per their recommendations.
- Disable NoScript for the tags that have this option.
- Various code improvements fixing small errors.
PixelYourSite Pro
5 Jan, 2024
- Fixing a bug related to GA4 WooCommerce events where the product name was not correctly sent.
- Improving the way external IDs are tracked when using caches.
PixelYourSite Pro
20 December, 2023
- Fixing a possible problem with Stripe on Elementor custom checkout pages for WooCommerce.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.11.1
14 December 2023
- Changes to automated events for TikTok. They are now turned off by default to improve speed.
- Code improvements and bug fixing.
- WooCommerce 8.4 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro
9 December, 2023
- Fixing small issues that could result in Undefined array key “HTTP_HOST” warnings.
PixelYourSite Pro
December 7, 2023
- Fixing small issues that could result in some warnings reported by the WordPress Health Status feature.
- Declaring compatibility with WooCommerce 8.3
PixelYourSite Pro 9.11.0
December 6, 2023
- Code changes related to the Super Pack add-on Advanced Pixel Options settings.
- Unifying Google tags events. This will be the only behavior in the future. Right now, there is an option on the plugin’s Google Analytics settings page to be turned ON.
- Improvements to the way we capture extra data for WooCommerce orders (traffic sources, landing pages, UTMs), removing dependency on the default WooCommerce checkout page.
- Improvements to the way we fire add-to-cart events for Meta API.
- Fix for a bug related to TikTok API event IDs.
- Removing the old code related to deprecated Google Analytics old properties (UA). Google only supports GA4 properties.
- Removing the code related to Google Optimize, since it’s no longer supported by Google.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.8
November 14, 2023
- Extending WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advance Purchase Tracking to the TikTok tag.
- Extending WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advance Purchase Tracking to the Pinteret tag (Pinterest add-on required).
- Fixing small bugs, and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
October 24, 2023
- Fixing small bugs and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.7
19 October, 2023
- Two new WooCommerce Advanced Marketing events, FirstTimeBuyer and ReturningCustomer.
- Small code improvements.
- WooCommerce compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro
October 11, 2023
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.6
October 9, 2023
- New feature: show Tracking Type for WooCommerce orders. It will allow you to see if an order fired the default purchase event.
- New feature: track the variation data when a variation is selected, WooCommerce variable products. It will control the IDs for the view content events fired on product pages.
- Text and video links updated.
- Fixing small bugs and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
September 26, 2023
- Small code changes to avoid possible PHP warnings in some installations.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.5
September 20, 2023
- Small code changes to ensure compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.
- Fixing possible PHP warnings.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.4
September 19, 2023
- TikTok support for custom events.
- Our custom events that track key actions are now available for TikTok too.
- Support for WooCommerce fees. A new option that allows to include or exclude custom fees from WooCommerce purchase events value.
- Fix for a possible issue with the number of orders, lifetime value, and average order values we show on WooCommerce customer pages.
- Fix for Advanced Marketing events possible problem when Elementor custom thank you pages are used for WooCommerce.
- Fix for a possible issue An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 355.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.3
September 12, 2023
- Fix for PHP Warning: Undefined array key “HTTP_HOST”… on line 1241.
- Fix for a problem with woocommerce_analytics_update_order_stats hook that could trigger order updates.
- Fix for PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 … on line 2524.
- Fix for a possible problem with WPForms.
- Fix for a possible MySQL related to missing post ID.
- Improvements to “Disable the plugin for these IP addresses” coding.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.2
September 7, 2023
- WooCommerce View_cart event for Google Analytics 4.
- Fix for a possible PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information.
- Fis for a possible Warning: Array to string conversion in … line 1233
- Small changes to ensure full compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.1
August 29, 2023
- Fixing an error that created problems with Elementor or Divi editors.
- Fixing an error that blocked post previews.
- Fixing other bugs and errors.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.10.0
August 28, 2023
- ChatGPT file export under WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. It allows you to use ChatGPT Code Interpreter to analyze your data.
- Changes to how TikTok API works: The Page View event is no longer sent using the API because it is impossible to duplicate between the tag and API Page View events. All the other events are sent using API.
- Fix for a possible bug related to Easy Digital Downloads reports exporting.
- Fix for possible warnings on the WooCommerce cart and checkout pages.
- Fix for a possible Call to undefined method error related to the TikTok tag.
- Fix for a possible PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException related to Easy Digital Downloads.
- Video links updates.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.9.1
August 17, 2023
- Fix a possible issue with events using the form trigger.
- Expanding the pys_gdpr_ajax_enabled filter to control the cookie-related filters
PixelYourSite Pro 9.9.0
August 2, 2023
- TikTok API support for all events.
- Code changes to accommodate new Super Pack options related to hiding tags based on landing page UTMs, or page URL keywords.
- Various code changes and improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro
July 25, 2023
- Small code improvements to avoid some possible PHP warnings.
PixelYourSite Pro
July 22, 2023
- Fixing small bugs and conflicts.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.8.0
July 5, 2023
- External ID support for Meta, TikTok, and Pinterest events.
- Fix for an issue with Gravity Forms submission trigger.
- Fix for an issue with Contact Form 7 forms within Elementor popups where the form was not correctly tracked.
- Code changes required by the Pinterest add-on for API support.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.7.3
July 1, 2023
- External ID added to Meta and TikTok events. This will gradually lead to improved matching.
- New option to disable the Purhcase event when the item number is zero.
- Fix for a possible issue with Gravity Forms resulting in the URL redirect after form submission not working as expected.
- Ensuring that Meta API events have the same set of parameters as the browser events.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.7.2
June 26, 2023
- New options for TikTok related to WooCommerce variable products: treat variable products like simple products, select values for IDs, and use prefixes or postfixes for IDs.
- New consent filters that can control the plugin’s cookies, explained on the plugin’s Consent page.
- New consent filter that can control the TikTok tag, explained on the plugin’s Consent page.
- Fixing a possible issue with non-script tags and consent filters.
- Fixing a possible issue resulting in traffic source, landing page and UTMs not being tracked as events parameters, or stored for WooCommerce orders.
- Submit form event trigger for Gravity Forms.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.7.1
June 14, 2023
- Google Analytics (GA4) list tracking for WooCommerce shop page, categories, tags, related products, or shortcodes.
- Fix for a bug resulting in warnings on PHP 8.1.
PixelYourSite Pro
June 7, 2023
- Fixing a possible error related to removing WooCommerce products from the cart.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.7.0
June 6, 2023
- Support for WooCommerce brand tracking with Google Analytics 4.
- Additional settings for WooCommerce variable products tracking in Google Analytics 4.
- Improve Google Analytics 4 list tracking for WooCommerce with support for shop pages, categories, tags, and related products.
- WooCommerce categories tracking for Google Analytics 4 with up to 5 categories supported (GA4 limit).
- WooCommerce shipping cost tracking for Google Analytics 4.
- Fixing some issues related to Head and Footer scripts.
- Fixing a possible issue related to multiple custom triggers for events.
- Fixing a possible issue with the WooCommerce purchase event resulting in the event being fired on the wrong pay page.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.6.3
May 23, 2023
- Improvements on how we track clicks.
- Fix for a problem related to subscription tracking.
- Fix for a PHP Deprecated warning with PHP 8.1
PixelYourSite Pro 9.6.2
May 15, 2023
- Additional checks for user role permissions for the Head and Footer option. Only roles with unfiltered_html permission will be able to use it. That’s admin for single WordPress or super admin for multisite. These permissions can be controlled with dedicated plugins.
- Fix for a possible issue with Easy Digital Downloads add-to-cart events, where the events were not fired in some instances.
- Fix for Google Measurement secrete key notifications closing problem.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.6.1
May 5, 2023
- Fix for possible conflicts with other plugins using the Guzzle library.
- Fix for the Google Measurement secret key notification that reappears after being closed.
- Small text updates.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.6.0
May 4, 2023
- GA4 Measurement Protocol support for Woocommerce: refunds and backup Purchase API event fired when order status changes to “Completed” and if the default browser purchase event didn’t fire. Secret token requiered.
- GA4 Measurement Protocol support for Easy Digital Downloads: refunds and auto-renewal tracking using API. Secret token requiered.
- Purchase event support for WooCoomerce custom pages by Elementor Pro.
- Speed improvements for the checkout page on sites with a large number of orders.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.5.5
April 7, 2023
- New condition for Page Visit events triggers: URL parameters contain.
- Code changes to reflect updates for the Super Pack add-on (remove multiple pixels from a page, multiple conditions for additional pixels
- Fixing small bugs and conflicts.
- Message for users that don’t have the Meta CAPI token.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.5.4
March 21, 2023
- Fixing a possible conflict with some themes that could result in tags not working properly.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.5.3
March 20, 2023
- Fix for a possible conflict with the Oxygen builder.
- Fix for a possible issue with our WooCommerce Reports.
- TikTok advanced matching support.
- Changes related to how and when our cookies work. They won’t be used if WooComerce or Easy Digital Downloads are not active, or if the reports are off.
- Other small fixes and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.5.2
March 9, 2023
- New Google Ads conversion option that tracks new/returning customers.
- New option allowing removal of the plugin’s name from the browser’s console.
- Fixing a possible issue with WooCommerce subscriptions.
- Changes to ensure compatibility with ConsentMagic cache options.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.5.1
24 February 2023
- Fixing a problem with WooCommerce reports, where the data was missing in some instances.
- Fixing other small issues.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.5.0
February 21, 2023
- The automatic Form event will fire on successful form submission for the following plugins: Contact Form 7, Forminator, WP Forms, Formidable Pro, Ninja Forms, and Fluent Forms
- New event trigger tracking form success for the following plugins: Contact Form 7, Forminator, WP Forms, Formidable Pro, Ninja Forms, and Fluent Forms
- Various other code improvements.
- Fixing small bugs and possible conflicts.
- WooCommerce 7.4 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.4.2
January 19, 2023
- Fixing a bug related to missing custom parameters for Meta CAPI events configured on the plugin’s Events page.
- Declaring WooCommerce 7.3 compatibility.
- Important code improvements.
- Fixing other bugs.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.4.1
January 12, 2023
- Fix for a possible conflict when Elementor and Cookiebot are used.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.4.0
January 10, 2023
- Ensuring compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
- Improvements on how we handle licenses.
- Fixing a possible bug with the Brick theme.
- Fixing other bugs, and making code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.8
December 26 2022
- Auto-delete for Meta CAPI events test code
- Form data captured by the Advanced user-data detection feature is now used for Google Ads Enhanced Conversions.
- UI changes.
- Fixing a possible bug with Meta CAPI logs.
- Fixing various bugs and code improvements.
- WooCommerce 7.2 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.7
November 24, 2022
- New: hide the plugin for known web crawlers. This can prevent certain Ajax AddToCart WooCommerce buttons to fire CAPI events because of crawlers
- New: hide the plugin for custom IP addresses.
- Track WooCommerce’s extra data (traffic source, landing pages, UTMs) and use it for the first-party reports even when no tag is installed in the plugin.
- Confirmation dialog when deleting events on the plugin’s Events page.
- Other small code changes.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.6
November 16, 2022
- New: Google Analytics and Google Ads Consent Mode support. This feature works with the ConsentMagic plugin. Instead of blocking the tags when consent is missing, it fires with consent mode “denied”. Google will limit data: When
is denied
, new cookies will not be set for advertising purposes. Additionally, third-party cookies previously set on google.com and doubleclick.net will not be used except for spam and fraud purposes. Data sent to Google will still include the full page URL, including any ad click information in the URL parameters. - Improvements for how WooCommerce Google Analytics Enhanced conversions send clients’ data.
- Hiding the license key after activation.
- New “Reactivate license” button.
- WooCommerce first-party reports will work if no tag is configured in the plugin’s settings.
- Fixing a bug with WooCommerce first-party product reports where the data was missing in some instances.
- Fixing a conflict with the Bricksbuilder editor.
- Fixing a bug, “trim” non-existing tag.
- Other code improvements.
- WooCommerce 7.1 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.5
October 27, 2022
- Cost of Goods for WooCommerce integration with PixelYourSite first-party WooCommerce reports. The reports will now include a new section with cost and profit reports, allowing you to measure the real performance of your ads.
- New option to remove the page-category parameter.
- Small bugs fixed, and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.4
October 12, 2022
- Improvements for how we detect and handle “fbp” and “fbc” for Meta CAPI events.
- Close button for all the back-end notifications.
- Fix for a potential conflict with the Stripe plugin and our option to add the WooCommerce checkout page ID.
- WooCommerce 7.0 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.3
29 September 2022
- Fixing a problem with WooCommerce offline conversion export.
- Fixing a problem with Meta CAPI events logs.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.2
September 27, 2022
- NEW: Advanced user-data detection – will track and send data from forms with the Meta CAPI events, improving your EMQ score.
- New option to compress front-end JS files.
- Notifications with useful tips that will help using the plugin.
- Fixing small bugs and conflicts.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.1
August 30, 2022
- Fixing a possible bug with WooCommerce Reports being blocked while preparing the data.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.3.0
August 23, 2022
- NEW: Easy Digital Downloads First-Party Reports: track the traffic source, landing page, and UTMs for EDD orders.
- Fix for a possible problem with the Adsense event.
- Fixing other small bugs and conflicts, code refactoring.
- WooCommerce compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.2.2
August 10, 2022
- Meta API update
- New page explaining available filters and hooks
- Fix for Easy Digital Download 3.0 missing Purchase event
- Fix for a potential error public_html/wp-content/plugins/pixelyoursite-pro/includes/enrich/views/function-helper.php on line 11
PixelYourSite Pro 9.2.1
July 3, 2022
- Additional WooCommerce Reports features: summary, sorting, number of rows selector, reports refresh button
- Product Reports – it will allow you to visualize what products were sold for a selected traffic source, landing page, or UTM
- UTM templates updated + help video links
- UTM builder
- Video links updates
- WooCommerce compatibility check
PixelYourSite Pro 9.2.0
July 12, 2022
- NEW: WooCommerce Reports (beta): new section reporting things like traffic source, landing pages, and UTMs for WooCommerce orders.
- NEW: UTM templates. Recommended UTM templates for all the tags. They will help automatically track key data for the WooCommerce reports (utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaing, utm_term, utm_content, utm_id).
- Attribution model for events parameters and WooCommerce Reports
- Fix: search event missing search string.
- Fix: possible conflict with Oxigen builder.
- Fix: possible error with very old WooCommerce versions.
- Fixing other small issues and code refactoring.
- WooCommerce 6.6 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.1.1
June 15, 2022
- Code refactoring and removing some unnecessarily debugging files.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.1.0
June 12, 2022
- Automated events are enabled by default.
- The Signal event is removed.
- WooCommerce new option that allows you to add the checkout page ID. This can be helpful if the Checkout page is not correctly defined, affecting our default WooCommerce purchase event. Useful especially for websites that use WPML.
- Fix for a possible error on multisite when switching between sites in the back-end.
- Fix for PHP Deprecated: The WC_Order_Item_Coupon::offsetGet function is deprecated since version 4.4.0. in wp-includes/functions.php on line 5333
- Fix for a possible bug with GDPR Cookie Consent 2.1.2 accept button.
- Fix for AEM issue with second+ tags configured using the Super Pack.
- Code refactoring.
- Video links updated.
PixelYourSite Pro 9.0.0
May 7, 2022
- WATCH THIS VIDEO to find out more about this update. We are replacing the Signal event with individual automatic events tracking each action. These events are reported by Google Analytics 4 and can be used for audiences or conversions on Meta (Facebook), Google Analytics, Google Ads, and for audiences on Pinterest, Bing, or TikTok. This version still fires the old Signal event by default and you need to manually turn it OFF and enable the automatic events. Version 9.1 will completely remove the Signal event and enable the automatic events by default. If you have audiences or conversions based on the Signal events, replace them using the new events.
- Bug fix: events configured with the Click on HTML link trigger using multiple URLs were not fired correctly.
- Bug fix: possible issue with Bing purchase event.
- WooCommerce variable products speed improvement.
- Code improvement to avoid a possible error for sites that don’t use WooCommerce.
- Code refactoring.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.12
April 20, 2022
- Video links updated.
- New filter that lets developers get the Facebook CAPI event IDs.
Usage example:
function pys_test($event,$pixelId,$eventId) {
error_log(“Send event for pixel $pixelId id = $eventId”);
return $event;
It is called before the event is sent to the FB server
3 parameters:
– the first one is the event object with all the data
– the second is the pixel id
– and the third is the event id, rendered it separately
You need to take into account that our events are mainly sent via Ajax after the page has loaded.
- WooCommerce 6.4 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.11
April 8, 2022
- Google Ads enhanced conversion support for logged-in users and WooCoommerce or Easy Digital Downloads transaction-related conversions.
- Fixing small bugs and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.10
March 29, 2022
- NEW: export WooCommerce orders as offline conversions for Facebook.
- NEW: prefix for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads transaction IDs. This is useful if you have the same tags installed on multiple websites.
- Fix for a potential issue with editing products or posts.
- Fix for a potential bug with the DPA Purchase event fired on posts.
- Video links updates.
- WooCommerce 6.3 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.9
March 10, 2022
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.8
March 8, 2022
- NEW: Easy Digital Downloads auto-renewals (subscription) tracking for Facebook and Google Analytics UA properties. Not yet supported for GA4.
- The WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Purchase tracking option can be turned ON/OFF for Facebook or Google separately.
- Fixing various bugs and possible errors.
- WooCommerce 6.2 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.7
February 7, 2022
- New: Advanced purchase capturing for WooCommerce. If the Purchase event doesn’t fire for a transaction when the order is placed by your client, the plugin will send it to Facebook and Google Analytics Universal (not yet supported for GA4) when the order’s status changes to Complete.
- Terminology update: the Facebook Pixel is now called the Meta Pixel, so we are updating our plugin accordingly.
- Various small issues and code refactoring.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.6
January 17, 2022
- Fix for a potential 503 error related to some specific server configuration.
- Improving how WooCommerce add to cart works when hooks are used instead of classes. This will result in better speed for variable products with a large number of variants.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.5
January 14, 2022
- New: TikTok Complete payment event for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads transactions. This is the event TikTok uses for dynamic ads. It will fire along with the Place an order event.
- Fix for a bug related to Google Ads conversion labels for WooCommerce and EDD events when multiple tags are installed.
- Fix for a bug on the Easy Digital Downloads checkout page related to the TikTok tag.
- WooComerce 6.1 compatibility.
- Various small code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.4
December 19
- Fix for a problem with the TikTok place an order event for WooCommerce.
- Fixes for small bugs.
- WooCommerce 6.0 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.3
December 14
- Fixing some possible issues with removing or disabling Google Analytics extra tags.
- Removing page view for extra Google Analytics extra tags.
- Fixing a possible issue with Google Analytics when a WooCommerce product has a large number of related products.
- Fixing a possible bug with Vimeo scripts.
- Fixing possible issues with TikTok add-to-cart events.
- TikTok enhanced data.
- Code refactoring.
- This update will require updating the Super Pak, the Pinterest add-on, and the Bing add-on if you use them.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.2
December 2
- Fixing some possible issues with WooCommerce events value.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.1
November 26
- TikTok Tag for Easy Digital Downloads.
- TikTok Tag for CartFlows.
- Fix for Google Ads Conversions issue with some WooCoommerce and EDD events.
- Various fixes for other possible issues reported by our clients.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.6.0
November 21
- TikTok Tag support (beta)
PixelYourSite Pro 8.5.2
November 17
- Fixing a possible problem with WPML pixel conditions.
- Fixing a possible issue with add to cart events for WooCommerce.
- Fixing a bug related to blog events for DPA.
- Other small changes.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.5.1
November 8
- Fixing various bugs, please update.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.5.0
November 5
- Major update to accommodate the new MULTIPIXEL options available in the Super Pack 3.0. Starting this version, all multipixel features are part of the Super Pack. The Super Pack is an add-on for PixelYourSite Professional that comes with Advanced and Agency licenses, and any Bundle Deal.
- Google Analytics property type autodetection: the plugin will automatically detect the old UA and GA4 properties, and will send events in the correct format. Using the Super Pack, you can fire both the old UA and the new GA4 at the same time.
- Facebook API update.
- Various bug fixes and small code improvements.
- UI update to incorporate new video links.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.4.3
September 20, 2021
PixelYourSite Pro 8.4.2
September 8, 2021
- WooCommerce 5.6 compatibility
- PHP 8 compatibility
- Fixing an issue with CartFlows purchase event value
- Fixing various client related issues
PixelYourSite Pro 8.4.1
August 16, 2021
PixelYourSite Pro 8.4.0
August 4, 2021
- NEW: CartFlows integration – click here to lean more
- WordPress 5.8 compatibility check
- Various other fixes for client issues and small bugs
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.8
17 June 2021
- Changes related to how the WooCommerce add-to-cart events are captured. You can select between hooks (default) and classes.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.7
- Facebook Conversion API update.
- Small code improvements and fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.6
- Facebook API update.
- WooCommerce 5.4 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.5
- Fixing a possible issue with WooCommerce add to cart IDs for variations.
- Fixing a possible issue with WooCommerce add to cart buttons.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.4
- Improved way to trigger WooCommerce events.
- Fix for a potential error with ConsentMagic integration.
- Video links updates.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.3
- New option to remove the URL tags from the download_url parameter. It can help to avoid privacy warnings from Facebook.
- New UI around enriched order data for emails and orders.
- Fix for a potential issue with the WooCommerce update cart button.
- Better integration with ConsentMagic.
- Other code improvements and small fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.2
- New options to turn ON/OFF most global, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads events parameters. Use it if Facebook shows privacy warnings related to some parameters. You have a video about it linked on the plugin’s main page.
- New option to remove URL parameters from the target_url Signal parameter. Default is ON, to avoid sending potential private data to Facebook.
- WooCommerce 5.3 compatibility check.
- Some other code improvements and small bug fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.1
- UI improvements
- New options to remove the page_title and content_name parameters. They can be useful if Facebook flags them as sending prohibited information. This can happen when their filters detect names or titles that resemble medical information.
- Fix for a potential problem related to Purchase events on the custom thank you pages implemented with the Super Pack.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.3.0
- Full support for ConsentMagic.com
PixelYourSite Pro 8.2.2
- Remove parameters from event_source_url. This is a mandatory parameter for Facebook Conversion API events. If the URL contains parameters that include personal data, it will trigger privacy working on Facebook. To avoid this problem we are now removing all URL parameters for this event. If you think you need them, you have a toogle to add them back on the plugin’s main page.
- Remove URL parameters from event_url and landing page parameters. The same reason as above.
- Dynamic Ads for Blogs events are now OFF by default.
- You have extra information about the order data we add to the WooCommerce “New email”. It explains clients don’t get it, and lets you know how to turn it OFF if you want to.
- New toggle to control if extra data is added to WooCommerce orders.
- Fix for a problem with additional Facebook Pixels CAPI tokens.
- Removing YouTube or Vimeo scripts if the trigger to fire the Signal event for video views is turned OFF.
- Fixes for various small bugs, PHP warnings, or potential errors.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.2.1
- New: add enriched order’s data to WooCommerce’s default “New Order” email. The plugin will add extra information like the landing page, traffic source, UTMs, lifetime value, average order value, the total number of orders to the WooCommerce “New Order” email. This is the email admins get when there is a new order.
- Fix for External ID warning you might see inside Events Manager.
- Fix for a potential error with the option to fire custom events only once in X hours.
- Fix for a potential error resulting in missing enrich order data from WooCommerce orders.
- Fix for error resulting in missing enrich order data for Easy Digital Downloads orders.
- WooCommerce 5.2 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.2.0
- UI changes
- A new way to verify domains for the supported tags directly from the main page. This is an alternative to verifying domains with the plugin’s Head and Footer feature. If you use that already, you don’t need to change it.
- Facebook Conversion API events will have an External ID when possible. This will improve matching for CAPI events.
- Fix for a potential error related to Facebook Advanced Matching data for browser events.
- Fix for a potential issue resulting in a warning message on the checkout page.
- Fix for some issues related to the Cookie Real plugin.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.1.3
- New: UTM’s parameters are now sent for Facebook Conversion API events too.
- New: the landing page parameter is now sent for Facebook Conversion API events too.
- New: cookie duration option. We use cookies to save information like UTMs, traffic source, landing page.
- Come improvements to the way the “remove from cart” event works to avoid possible issues.
- Fix for some possible PHP Notices related to Facebook API.
- Changes to manually configured events to support dynamic class assignment.
- Real Cookie Banner integration.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.1.2
- Fix for a potential issue: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_type() on bool
- WordPress 5.7 compatibility.
- WooCommerce 5.1 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.1.1
- Facebook API 10 update. Using an older version resulted in some Pixel ID not working with CAPI.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.1.0
- NEW: tracking lading page as a parameter for all events and all tags.
- NEW: save additional data to WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads orders: landing page, UTMs, client’s browser’s time, day, and month, the number of orders, lifetime value, and average order.
- NEW: show additional data on users pages for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads clients: number of orders, lifetime value, and average order.
- NEW: Google Ads conversion label for WooCommerce products. This will fire the conversion only when a particular product is purchased.
- Improvement: WooCommerce and EDD Purchase event option to “fire the event on transaction only” will use cookies on top of the existing database tag. This will add an extra check to ensure the event is not fired multiple times for the same order.
- Improvement: disable the event_url and landig_page parameters. Useful if the URLs contain personal information.
- Support for the Real Cookie Banner plugin
- Fix: various issues related to the way the AddToCart fires and problems with some themes, third-party plugins, or custom code.
- Fix: issue with saving WooCommerce category Facebook Pixel ID.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.7
- Fix for a potential problem with AddToCart not being fired on single product pages.
- Fix for a potential problem with the AddToCart fired twice on single product pages.
- Fix for a potential problem with the mobile menu of the Porto theme.
- Fix for a potential conflict between the Bing add-on and a product filter plugin.
- Update for the Facebook CAPI help link inside the plugin.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.6
- FIX: missing AddToCart ID when “treat variable products like simple products” was enabled.
- WooCommerce 5.0 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.5
- Fixing some minor code errors that could trigger JS errors or double AddToCart events.
- Fixing a typo related to utm_medium.
- Some tweaks related to Facebook Conversion API might help with issues reported by users hosting with Siteground.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.4
- FIX: possible issue with Easy Digital Downloads add to cart.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.3
- FIX: potential error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object.
- FIX: Problems with events triggers resulting in some manually configured events not fired.
- FIX: Value issue with events related to WooCommerce Grouped Products.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.2
- FIX: some encoding problems with parameter values.
- FIX: Greek language issue.
- FIX: potential fatal error: PHP Fatal error: Cannot use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event as Event because the name is already in use
- Other small changes
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.1
- FIX for a bug that can affect purchase tracking on Google Analytics, Google Ads, Pinterest, and Bing.
PixelYourSite Pro 8.0.0
This is a major update. After updating to V8 you need to update the Pinterest add-on to version 3+ and the Bing add-on to version 2+.
Check this page for details about the V8.
- New section showing how many active events you have.
- A new set of common parameters added to all events from all installed tags. You can find a list of the common parameters on the plugin’s main page.
- A new Signal event that replaces most Global Events. You can find its settings on the plugin’s main page.
- We removed the GeneralEvent. If you have audiences or conversions based on it, you need to replace them. It’s a good idea to use the default Page View event instead.
- All events fired automatically (Signal, Search, WooCommerce events, Easy Digital Download events) have a new ON/OFF button visible before you open the event’s settings.
- We turned off some of the less popular WooCommerce and EDD events. You can turn them back on if you need to.
- Google Ads Tag: we turned off the page_view event on blog pages, pages, and custom post types. You can enable it from the Google Ads Settings page. You can also add a google_business_vertical for this event. The page_view is needed only if you do dynamic ads for those pages.
- Google Ads Tag: we’ve added ecomm_prodid and ecomm_pagetype to WooCommerce and EDD related events. These parameters are no longer mandatory with the new tag format, but some users find out they still need them for older configurations.
- Update for Facebook API.
- Update for some mandatory CAPI evets parameters.
- Fix: issue with content_name for Google Ads tag when special characters were present.
- Fix: issue with Oxigen builder.
- Fix: Uncaught Error: Class ‘PYS_PRO_GLOBAL
- Other small code changes.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.10
- Fixing “deprecated” errors related to the latest WordPress jQuery.
- Removing some unnecessary Git files.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.9
- NEW: Export-import events
- Improvement on how we send Facebook CAPI data for the Purchase event when the transaction is done by a non-logged-in client.
- Country and ZIP added to Facebook CAPI events.
- Some more tweaks to avoid Guzzle library conflicts. Facebook API uses a new version of the Guzzle library. The problem is that some other plugins use older versions, resulting in fatal errors. The ideal solution is for these third party plugins to update the library on their end. However, since we can’t rely on that, we tried to implement some solutions on our end.
- WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.8 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.8
- This is a complete fix for the potential conflicts present in version 7.7.7. The main problem was that we needed to update some Facebook CAPI related libraries. After releasing that version, we discovered that other plugins were using an older version of the same library, resulting in errors.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.7
- FIX: potential error with some WooCommerce bundle plugins.
- FIX: Potential error with S3 Media Maestro Amazon Cloud files.
- Other code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.6
- Fix for a potential problem with some WooCommerce payment plugins.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.5
- Facebook Conversion API version update.
- Small code changes.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.4
- Fixes for small errors and warnings.
- Fix for a possible conflict with Google social login.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.3
- Google Analytics 4 compatibility. You can enable Google Analytics 4, and the plugin will start to send events using the new format. WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads fully supported. Watch this video for more details
- WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.2
- Small changes for some Facebook Pixel events parameters in order to send the same data by browser and CAPI.
- Track value for bundle products configured with WooCommerce Product Bundles by SomewhereWarm.
- Various small fixes related to clients’ issues.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.1
- FIX: Facebook PageView missing when WooCommerce was not present.
- FIX: Facebook Pixel AdSense Event not working.
- FIX: Error with the AdSense click trigger for blog events.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.7.0
- NEW: Facebook Pixel for a specific WooCommerce category.
- Ajax option for the Facebook Pixel when Conversion API is enabled. It will fix a potential problem related to events ids and cache (deduplication).
- ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout will have value turned ON by default. You can control value events from the plugin’s WooCommerce tab.
- FIX: potential issue with some User Data Keys for non-logged-in users.
- FIX: Issue with Pinterest events IDs when SKU was selected.
- FIX: Removed Google Analytics UserID with value zero for non-logged-in users.
- Other fixes for small errors and conflicts reported by our clients.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.9
- We removed the Event ID parameter from Facebook Pixel Events when the Conversion API is not configured.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.8
- NEW: Facebook Conversion API extended to all Facebook Pixel events.
- NEW: Google Analytics User-ID.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.7
- Important update related to Facebook Conversion API.
- Conversion API events have now the same parameters as the browser events.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.6
- NEW: the plugin will send default Facebook Pixel standard events using Conversion API (former server-side events). Right now this will work for default PageView, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, Purchase, CompleteRegistration events (WooCommerce and EDD).
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.5
- FIX: possible problem with Easy Digital Downloads Purchase event.
- FIX: possible problem with COG profit values.
- WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.4
- FIX: small error casing some PHP warnings.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.3
- FIX: Problem with Cost of Goods values for WooCommerce Facebook Pixel Events.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.2
- FIX: Problem with Facebook API events for Easy Digital Downloads where token fields were not visible.
- WordPress 5.5 compatibility check.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.1
- FIX: Purchase event not fired on custom order status.
- Jquery version updated
- Improvements related to Facebook for WooCommerce ID logic
- WooCommerce 4.3 code update
PixelYourSite Pro 7.6.0
- New: fire events by post_type
- New: Easy Digital Downloads server-side support for Facebook Purchase Event.
- New: Order status options for the WooCommerce Purchase Events
- New: Fire pixels based on the WPML language. It works for the Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, and Google Ads Tag. It works with the Super Pack only.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.8
- Fix: fatal error when activating the paid plugin while the free version is still installed.
- Fix: AddToCart value NaN with some themes.
- Fix: WatchVideo not working properly when multiple Vimeo videos are present on a page.
- Server-side code updates.
- Hiding CompleteRegistration value when is sent server-side.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.7
- NEW: extra triggers for Dynamic Ads for Blog Events.
- Code changes to accommodate the new tax-related options for WooCommerce Cost of Goods events values.
- Code update to declare WooCommerce 4.2 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.6
- Google Ads Remarketing Tag: an improved way to fire conversions when conversion label is added to WooCommerce or EDD events.
- Google Ads Remarketing Tag: vertical removed from the page_view events. It was triggering a warning “Your campaigns can’t tailor dynamic ads based on user activity when the required parameter doesn’t match your feed”.
- Google Ads Remarketing Tag: New parameters for the page_view event (content_name, post_type, user_role, post_id, tags).
- Google Ads Remarketing Tag: we removed the GeneralEvent and the ClickEvent for this tag due to some conflicts.
- Other small code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.5
- Fix: potential issue with the Pinterest Tag missing events when the Facebook Pixel was not used.
- WooCommerce AddToCart alternative implementation using “template” instead of the default cart filter. It can help with some custom themes.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.4
- New: dedicated Facebook Pixel for DPA Blog Events.
- New: Facebook server-side for CompleteRegistration (used to track profit with our dedicated Cost of Goods Plugin) and the option to hide this event on the browser. This way your profit won’t be visible with Pixel Helper.
- New for developers: filters to control the tags: pys_facebook_ids, pys_google_ads_ids, pys_ga_ids
- Code update to declare WooCommerce 4.1 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.3
- Fix: problem with WooCommerce Cost of Goods values for some variable products.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.2
- Important: duplicate purchase reporting fix for WooCommerce server-side events.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.1
- New: fire the CompleteRegistration for Facebook Pixel every time a transaction takes place and send profit (price – cost of goods) as event value. It works with the Cost of Goods Pugin. This new option allows you to track both the order’s total as the Purchase Event value and the profit as CompleteRegistration value.
- Fixing some errors related to server-side events.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.5.0
- New Feature: Facebook Pixel server-side events for the WooCommerce Purchase event. Click to find more
PixelYourSite Pro 7.4.1
- Minor code changes to ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.4
- Minor code changes to ensure compatibility with the latest updates of the WooCommerce Cost of Goods plugin
PixelYourSite Pro 7.4.0
- This version adds compatibility with our new “WooCommerce Cost of Goods” plugin. You can select “PROFIT” as the value for your WooCommerce events. This way your Ads Reports will reflect the actual gain generated by your ads.
- Small code update to declare WooCommerce 4.0 compatibility.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.11
- Fixing an issue related to custom events trigger when only a “/” was used.
- Fixing a potential issue related to JS files when the AMP plugin is used.
- Some other small code changes
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.10
- Code improvements and additional checks to remove a few warnings and errors possible in some environments.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.9
- Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce: NEW List Performance tracking – more details here
- Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce: the name of variable products won’t use the variation anymore. The variation will be sent as a separate dimension, following Google’s recommendations.
- Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce: missing category for variable product error fixed.
- Facebook Pixel: NEW Blog Events for Dynamic Ads. We prepare something in this direction – details here
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.8
- New option for manually configured events: “fire this event only once in X hours”. It will improve your ads or analytics reporting.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.7
- Small code update to ensure compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.6
- Fixing an error related to the free Pinterest add-on. The WooCommerce Checkout and PageVisit events could not be turned ON/OFF because of this bug.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.5
- This version fixes an old bug related to how On Page Events triggers work. In previous versions, final slashes were ignored for both “URL Match” and “URL Contains” conditions. This was fixed with this release.
Recommendation: if you have manually added events using the On-Page trigger, test them to make sure they work as expected. - If you have a valid license and you can’t update the plugin, please download the latest version from inside your account and replace the files on your website from inside your WordPress admin.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.4
- We stopped tracking the shipping option in the Google Analytics Checkout Behaviour because it could trigger errors in some configurations.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.3
- Adding support for new WooCommerce and EDD events ID options: select between ID or SKU, use prefixes and postfixes, treat variable products like simple products. These features will work with the Pinterest add-on v2.0.8, and the Bing add-on v1.0.2.
- Fixing a possible issue on the WooCommerce checkout page when card fields were present. It was related to Google Analytics checkout behavior events.
- Code improvements and refactoring.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.2
- Error on older PHP versions fix.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.1
- Fatal error fix: this version is a patch for an issue present in v7.3.0 that could lead to a fatal error for non-WooCommerce websites.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.3.0
- Checkout Behaviour for Google Analytics: the plugin will track key steps on the checkout page (first name, last name, email, place order button). For more info on how to use this feature, visit this help page
- AddToCart event on WooCommerce short-codes issue fix: this event will fire when the button is generated by a shortcode.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.2.4
- Removing WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Purchase event “payment” parameter for the Facebook Pixel. This parameter was pulling the payment method name as its value and could trigger a “privacy” warning.
- Fixing a PHP error on the Easy Digital Downloads Checkout page.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.2.3
- PHP warning fix.
- Code improvements and refactoring.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.2.2
- Fix for a potential error related to the ClickEvent.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.2.1
- ClickEvent – improved parameters.
- Form Event – improved parameters.
- Comment Event – improved parameters.
V.7.2.1 comes with improved parameters for 3 key events across all tags.
ClickEvent Changes:
The new structure for Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Bing:
- event_category: ClickEvent.
- event_action: Button / Input.Submit/ Internal Link / Outbound Link / Tel / Email.
- event_label: for Internal Link and Outbound Link we output the URL. For Button and input.submit we output the text on the buttons.
ClickEvent for the Facebook Pixel and the Pinterest Tag:
link_type: a new, more descriptive parameter. Potential values: Button / Input.Submit/ Internal Link / Outbound Link / Tel / Email.
Form Event changes:
The new structure for Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Bing:
- event_categoty: Form.
- event_action: the CSS class or ID (makes easier for you to identify the form).
- event_label: the text on the form’s button.
Form Event for the Facebook Pixel and the Pinterest Tag:
form_class: a new parameter pulling the CSS class when it exits.
form_id: a new parameter pulling the CSS ID when it exits.
Comment Event changes:
The new structure for Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Bing:
- event_categoty: Comment.
- event_action: the “post type” (page, products, post, etc) comment.
- event_label: the URL where the comment was posted.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.2.0
- This version adds support for the Microsoft (Bing) UET Tag via our dedicated paid add-on.
- Fixies the issue related to the ClickEvent being fired on WooCommerce single product page load.
- Various fixes and code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.6
- fixing a JS error triggered by the “tel” filter on the ClickEvent.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.5
- Fix for a JS error triggered by the ClickEvent.
- Fix for an error with events’ triggers when URL filters were used.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.4
- Fixing a potential problem with Pinterest PageVisit and Checkout events when the Facebook Pixel was deactivated.
- You need to use Pinterest add-on v2.0.6 at least.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.3
- The Pinterest add-on and the Super Pack will show a notification when their licenses are not activated.
- Disable the plugin on Divi Editor and Elementor preview mode.
- Removed the phone number from the ClickEvent (if marked as tel:).
- Google Ads Remarketing code will send a “page_view” event on every page.
- Fix for a potential issue with WooCommerce and EDD Google Ads events conversion label.
- Various small fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.2
- Google Analytics cross-domain tracking – new features.
- FIX: the Head & Footer option was stripping backslashes from custom code on posts or pages.
- Small code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.1
- Transform any WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads default event into a Google Ads conversion by adding a conversion label. Track conversion value.
- Google Ads Tag code structure updated to reflect the latest format.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.1.0
- NEW FEATURE: Google Optimize – help page here
- Small change to our “missing ID” notices, so they will not show again after being closed.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.9
- minor UI changes and improved compatibility with the Pinterest add-on.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.8
- Fixing a potential “Class Mobile Detect not found” PHP error related to the Head & Footer option.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.7
- We’ve removed “country”, “state”, “town” parameters from the Purchase event to avoid privacy warnings.
- We show a notice to enable “AJAX” values for GDPR filters when “GDPR Cookie Consent” plugin is active. This is required to make the plugin work with cache.
- We’ve added a pys_currencies_list filter.
- Other code improvements.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.6
- Fixing a problem related to the Super Pack and Pinterest add-ons updates.
- We don’t minify the JS files anymore, because of potential conflicts with other minify/cache plugins.
- Moving the ON/OFF options for various pixels from the License page to each pixel settings pages.
- Small code changes to allow future development.
PixelYourSite Pro
- We fixed an error that appeared when an event trigger contained a question mark (?).
- We fixed various PHP warnings and errors.
PixelYourSite Pro
- We changed the WooCoommerce ViewCategory content_type parameter when Facebook for WooCommerce logic is used. It will always use “product_group” value, to ensure matching.
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.5
- Google Ads Tag WooCommerce ID updated to allow prefixes and postfixes. It will increase compatibility with a larger number of feed plugins (Google Merchant or Google Ads Custom feed types).
- ON/OFF option for the traffic source and UTM parameters.
- We will only show the domain for the traffic source parameter.
- We will filter-out emails from UTM and ClickEvent’s tag_text parameters.
The last 3 updates are designed to avoid “sensitive or personal” false warnings by Facebook. We have an article explaining this situation here
PixelYourSite Pro
- Fixing a potential error related to custom configured events
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.4
- Google Ads Tag implementation with Dynamic Remarketing support for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads
- Google Ads conversion support. You can configure events that act as Google Ads conversions.
- Google Analytics Dynamic Remarketing custom dimensions for all WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads events
- extended the GDPR options to include the new Google Ads integration
- “GDPR cookie consent pro” version support
- various code improvements and small error fixed
PixelYourSite Pro
- fixing a potential PHP error that was possible on the Checkout Page in some environments
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.3
- New Facebook Pixel Standard Events – details here
- New non-interactive option to all global, WooCommerce, and EDD Google Analytics events – details here
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.2
- “Treat variable products like simple products” fix
- Fix for a JS error when Facebook for WooCommerce is used
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0.1
- License expiration message for valid licenses – it can happen on some server configurations
- PHP error when trying to save anything – it can happen on some server configurations, is not widespread.
- compatibility issues with older PHP versions (PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5).
- possible IE 11 problem fix
PixelYourSite Pro 7.0
PixelYourSite Pro 7 is a complete rewrite of the plugin, introducing new features and improving the old ones.
We recommend that you visit this page for more info and a short video
- The biggest improvement is our new Google Analytics implementation.
- New automatic events that will track: forms, comments, user sign-ups, and downloads
- A better way to configure your own events, with the possibility to enable each event on Facebook, Google Analytics, and Pinterest
- Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads
- New e-commerce related events for WooCommerce and EDD
- New 3 marketing events for WooCommerce and EDD, tracking your most valuable customers
- Your visitors’ browser time is tracked and added as parameters for Facebook and Pinterest events and as custom dimensions for Google Analytics.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.5.3
- An improved way to deliver updates
PixelYourSite Pro 6.5.2
- GDPR update – we’ve added a new filter that can be used by developers to disable the Facebook pixel: pys_disable_by_gdpr
- GDPR update – we’ve added support for two “cookie consent” plugins: Ginger – EU Cookie Law (free), and Cookiebot (a paid solution with a free plan).
PixelYourSite Pro 6.5.1
- We change the default Advanced Matching to OFF since Facebook has a long lasting bug that hides custom audiences size and ads potential reach when AM is used. You can turn it off if you want to. It won’t affect existing installs, where your present settings will be keept in place.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.5.0
- further AddToCart improvement, to ensure a broader AJAX compatibility. The event will now fire even when the add to cart event redirects to the cart page and will work with a larger number of AJAX cart themes.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.4.3
- AddToCart small fix – there were some problems with some themes using an AJAX cart.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.4.2
- fixing a possible error on websites not running WooCommerce
PixelYourSite Pro 6.4.0
- Fixing a possible error with the add to cart button when WooCommerce and WPML are installed on some hostings (we were able to replicate it on SiteGround servers only)
- Enabling the AddToCart event on the Cart page when WooCommerce “Redirect to the cart page after successful addition” option is active. This will ensure that the events are captured.
- Other small improvements to the code related to the AddToCart event
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.6
- Fixing possible compatibility problem with Facebook for WooCommerce extension
- Improving Facebook for WooCommerce ID logic
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.5
- ViewCategory – new WooCommerce event, fired on category pages. It will be automatically used for DPA
- New parameter for WooCommerce and EDD events: contents – it will improve the DPA retargeting, sending individual data each (AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, Purchase)
- Improved Advanced Matching parameters
- Some other code improvements
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.4
- We made additional improvements to the AddToCart Event so it can be fired on modified catalog pages (some themes were having this problem)
- We fixed a potential issue with the email variable for the Head & Footer option
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.3
- WatchVideo Event on Vimeo embedded videos
- Adsense Event on Adsense ads clicks
- Small code improvements
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.2
- The AddToCart can have multiple triggers, not just one (button clicks, cart page, checkout page)
- AddToCart AJAX fix: the event will now work with themes using AJAX on the product page
- Facebook for WooCommerce extension update to make sure it works with the latest version
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.1
- WatchEvent fix: making sure that the 100% video event is fired all the time.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.3.0
- The WatchVideo Event: track embedded Youtube videos
- Delay on page custom events option
- Fire the WooCommerce or EDD AddToCart events on the Checkout page if you want to
PixelYourSite Pro 6.2.4
- Pinterest Tag add-on support
PixelYourSite Pro 6.2.3
- Purchase event 0 value error fixed (there wasn’t any value parameter when the order value was zero)
- Conflict with Thrive Quiz Builder fixed
PixelYourSite Pro 6.2.2
- Facebook for WooCommerce integration ID logic updated to match the current version
PixelYourSite Pro 6.2.1
- NEW: the ClickEvent – an event that captures clicks on HTML links and form buttons. It can be used for custom audiences and custom conversions
- Purchase Event order_id parameter: it captures the order ID and can be used on the Pixels page to check what order had fired each Purchase event
- fixes: we fixed some JS errors that were affecting product editing on WooCommerce
PixelYourSite Pro 6.2.0
- Lifetime value customer file export for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads
- lifetime_value Purchase event parameter for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads
- Thrive page editor dynamic events fix
PixelYourSite Pro 6.1.3
- PHP 5.4 compatibility issue fix
PixelYourSite Pro 6.1.2
- WooCommerce option to treat variable products like simple products. If this is ON, variations related events will use the main item ID and content_type will be “product” instead of “product_group”. It’s useful if you don’t include variations to your Product Catalog.
- Various small fixes.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.1.1
- small potential PHP error fix
PixelYourSite Pro 6.1.0
- Head/Footer Option: insert ANY script in the head or footer of your pages. Filter by device (all, desktop, mobile), add per page scripts, use custom variables. EDD and WooCommerce integration (add scripts on order-received only, use order number, total, subtotal, currency).
- System Report: check your system status and compatibility with PixelYourSite. You can also download a file that can be used for debugging.
- We changed the ViewContent content_type to product_group for variable articles.
- We modified the output for WooCommerce events IDs when Facebook for WooCommerce extension is present for better integration.
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.8
- just a small change to better accommodate the AMP add-on (part of the Super-Pack)
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.7
- preparing the add-on API for the feature AMP support add-on
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.6
- small fix related to the add-on API
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.5
- WooCommerce and EDD content_ids bug fixed
- Improved compatibility with older WooCommerce versions (pre 3.0)
- API modification to accommodate feature add-ons
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.4
- You can now add a prefix/postfix to the WooCommerce events ids
- Various minor fixes (encoding related, click on URL events final dash issue, Purchase event value with transport and coupons)
- Facebook for WooCommerce extension support
- Small design changes: GeneralEvent disable post types are now hidden
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.3
- WooCommerce 3 compatibility check
- Added agent identifier (dvpixelyoursite) as we were directly requested by Facebook
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.2
- PHP 5.3 & 5.4 compatibility issue fixed
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0.1
PixelYourSite Pro 6.0
PixelYourSite 6.0 it’s a major update. We completely redesign the plugin on both front and backend.
It’s recommended that after the update you check the plugin to see if everything works as it should.
We did so in order to prepare for our feature strategy that will involve adding new features by using add-ons. At this point, the plugin includes the first version of our API (more details for developers will come soon).
Some of the things we’ve added:
- A new design
- Events and Dynamic Events are united on a single page
- A new table for Events
- Enable/Disable functions for events
- Duplicate Event function
- WooCommerce & EDD new events value option: use prices as they are on site. In this scenario, the exact price that the buyer pays will be used. You can also set the plugin to never include tax or shipping in the event’s value.
We will soon release a bunch of new add-ons that will add some really nice extra functionalities.
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.9
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.8
- WooCommerce 2.7 compatibility check
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.7
- Improved custom themes support for WooCommerce events
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.6
- improve add to cart tag processing in loops
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.5
- minor JS improvements to avoid possible conflicts with other plugins
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.4
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.3
- code rewriting, technical improvements
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.2
- Events and Dynamic Events parameter error fix
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0.1
- small fix to potential error message
PixelYourSite Pro 5.0
- Easy Digital Downloads integration (similar to the WooCommerce Integration)
- Small code improvements
- WordPress 4.7 compatibility check
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0.5
- IMPORTANT: we temporarily auto-disable the TimeOnPage event because we found an issue with the last Chrome update. We are working on a solution to this problem.
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0.4
- preparing the plugin for localization
- adding “purchase event on transaction only” WooCommerce option
- minor code improvements
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0.3
- Adds the option to call the pixel JS file in head or footer
- Adds a domain parameter to each event, making easier to handle Custom Audiences for multiple sites
- Improves product category parameter for WooCommerce events
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0.2
- It is recommended that you delete site cache after install or update
- we’ve replaced a JS function that was not supported by some browsers
- all 4.0 features are back and functional
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0.15
- temporary reverted to a previous version and removed some new features in order to give us time to fix a few errors
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0.1
PixelYourSite Pro 4.0
Major release
- We moved the code on JS with a solid fall-back solution for non-JS browsers
- Traffic Source parameter for all the events
- UTM tracking for al the events
- Delay events option for the GeneralEvent and WooCommerce ViewContent event
- URL filter for all Dynamic Events
- Dynamic Events on Page Scroll (percent)
- Dynamic Events on Mouse Over
PixelYourSite Pro 3.2.2
- Fixing SKU encoding error
PixelYourSite Pro 3.2.1
- We had to remove traffic source and UTM because they were causing problems with various page cache solutions. We are working on a major fix for this problem.
- Cleaning the code and fixing a few PHP and HTML errors.
PixelYourSite Pro 3.2.0
- Adding traffic source as events parameter (traffic_source parameter)
- Adding URL tags (UTM) as events parameter
- Adding tags as events parameter
- Adding WooCommerce product tags as events parameter
- Changing GeneralEvent parameters names to avoid Pixel Helper warning (post_id and post_type are now being used)
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.7
- fixing TimeOnPage event error
- fixing encoding issues
- fixing conflicts with some themes
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.6
- Minor fixes and code optimization
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.5
- fixing potential incompatibility with some themes
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.4
- WooCommerce Purchase Event potential error fix
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.3
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.2
- Activation Error for no-WooCommerce users fix
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1.1
- Fixing potential error with old settings import
PixelYourSite Pro 3.1
- Fixing a possible Multisite error
PixelYourSite Pro 3.0
This is a major release, with some improved or new features. We encourage you browse the plugin menu and read again the updated help pages for more info.
- Added a GeneralEvent for Custom Audiences with a free guide on how to use it
- Added TimeOnPage event
- Improved WooCommerce Custom Audiences
- Improved WooCommerce events value control
- Advanced Matching for WooCommerce Purchase Event
PielYourSite Pro 2.3.2
PixelYourSite Pro 2.3.1
PixelYourSite Pro 2.3