PixelYourSite V8

Track everything with fewer  events

The new Signal event plus a better set of common parameters to all events


PixelYourSite V8 helps you track any action with fewer events. It works better with Facebook Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM) and Facebook Conversion API (CAPI).

Fewer events, less CAPI related load

You’ll need fewer events to track any action you need. It means less CAPI related load on your server.

You can track everything for Aggregated Event Measurement

You can use the new Signal event and the new default parameters to configure Custom Conversions for any action. Once ready, Custom Conversions can be added under Aggregated Event Measurement.

This is useful if you need to optimize your ads for actions not captured by the standard events.

Of course, WooCommerce and EDD websites still get the default e-commerce events (ViewContent, ViewCategory, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, Purchase).

PixelYourSite V8 Changes

  • We will inform you about the number of active events. You’ll have an event board on the plugin’s main page with detailed information.
  • The GeneralEvent will be removed. We recommend using the default PageView event instead.
  • We will add a large number of default parameters to all the events tracked by the plugin. They will help you build almost any Custom Audience or Custom Conversion.
  • The Global Events will be replaced by one event called Signal. This event will help you track almost any action automatically.
  • We will add a visible ON/OFF button for all events. This way, you can easily tell what events are active and you can control them.
  • We will turn OFF some of the WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads events that were not very popular. You can still re-enable them from their respective pages.

Events parameters

All events automatically fired or manually configured will get this new set of default parameters. These new parameters are sent to ALL tags: The Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Pinterest, Bing. The old Google Analytics can’t get these parameters because of its rigid event structure.

The plugin tracks the following parameters by default: page_title, post_type, post_id, event_URL, user_role, plugin, event_time (pro), event_day (pro), event_month (pro), traffic_source (pro), UTMs (pro).

Facebook, Pinterest, and Google Ads Page View events also track the following parameters: tags, post_category.

You can add extra parameters to events configured on the Events tab.

WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads events will have the e-commerce parameters specific to each tag.

The Search event has the search parameter.

The Signal event has various specific parameters, depending on the action that fires the event.

The new Signal event

The Signal event will replace almost all the old Global Events (ClickEvent, WatchVideo, Form, Download, Comment, AdSense, Signup).

It’s also designed to help you replace almost any custom event you might have (the Events tab).

The Signal event has various triggers and relevant parameters that will help you track any action.

Visit this page to learn how to use the Signal event.

For a specific example of how to use the Signal event for Custom Conversions and Aggregated Event Measurement visit this page.

The GeneralEvent is gone

We no longer support the old GeneralEvent. If you have Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions based on it, you need to replace them.

Use the default Page View instead

The default Page View event will get all the new default parameters, plus two extra, tags and post_category. It will do the job of the old GeneralEvent with no problem.

Practical advice for PixelYourSite users

If you have Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions based on the old Global Events, you must replace them using the new Signal event.

If you have custom events configured on the plugin’s Events tab, consider replacing them with the Signal event. It’s not mandatory, but it might help to reduce the number of events per domain. The Signal event triggers and parameters allow tracking of almost any action.

After you update the plugin, browse your website and use The Pixel Helper Chrome Extension to check what events fire automatically. Open the event and check its parameters. It will help you understand how to configure Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions.

Important: These changes affect ALL tags

These changes will affect ALL the tags implemented with the PixelYourSite plugin: the Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Pinterest, or Bing.

The idea behind PixelYourSite is to let you track the same events across multiple tags. That’s why this new event-structure and new parameters will be implemented for all tags, not just the Facebook Pixel.

Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Pinterest and Bing tags implemented with the plugin will stop getting the old Global Events and will start to receive the new Signal event. The events parameters will also be updated.

Google Ads Changes

  • The page_view event is not fired by default on pages, posts, and custom post types. You can manually enable it from the Google Ads Settings page. This event is required only if you do dynamic ads for that type of content.
  • You can manually configure google_business_vertical for the page_view event on the Google Ads Settings page.
  • ecomm_prodid and ecomm_pagetype to WooCommerce and EDD view_item, add_to_cart, and purchase events. While not mandatory for the new Google Ads tag, some clients told us they still need these parameters.
  • The Signal event works for Google Ads too.
  • All Google Ads events will get the new set of default parameters.
iOS 14 privacy update and your Facebook Pixel​
Learn about Facebook Aggregated Event Measurement
Learn about PixelYourSite V8
Verifying your Domain on Facebook using PixelYourSite
The Signal event & Facebook Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions
The Signal event & Aggregated Event Measurement
iOS 14 privacy update and your Facebook Pixel​
Learn about Facebook Aggregated Event Measurement
Learn about PixelYourSite V8
Verifying your Domain on Facebook using PixelYourSite
The Signal event & Facebook Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions
The Signal event & Aggregated Event Measurement
Facebook Conversion API (CAPI)