The Meta Pixel with Conversion API Support

Prepare your website for Facebook Ads and Facebook Analytics. E-Commerce specific events are fired for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Facebook Conversion API support for all pixel events.

Improved EMQ score

The Event Match Quality score shows how well Meta event matching works. It’s based on cookies-data like fpb and fbc, external ID, or user personal information.


FBP – This is a pixel-generated identifier stored in cookies. We will always send it with our events. 

FBC – Meta ClickID, it’s a value passed with the URL of an advertiser’s website when a user clicks an ad on Facebook and/or Instagram. We can detect it directly from the URL, or when it’s stored in cookies.

External ID

We generate an external ID for each visitor and send it with our events. This value is stored in our first-party cookies, providing time-persistent identification on the browser level. 

User data

We can detect user data from various sources: WordPress accounts, WooCoommerce clients, forms fields, and URL parameters.

Facebook Conversion API (CAPI events)

Send every pixel event using the Facebook Conversion API (CAPI events). This will recover events lost dues to browser limitations and ad blockers.

The plugin will send each event using the browser and Conversion API, and Facebook will deduplicate the server event if the browser event works. If for some reason the browser event doesn’t work, Facebook will use the Conversion API event.

Track key actions with automated events

The automated events tracks key actions and you can use it to configure Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions. It has a number of triggers that you can identify using the event_action parameter. 

Internal or External Clicks

Custom events fired when someone clicks on a link or button. There are additional parameters you can use: text (the text of the link of the button), and target_url.

Watch Video

Custom event fired when a YouTube or Vimeo embedded video is played. It tracks the video name and ID as parameters.

Email Links

Custom event fired when the user clicks on an email. 

Phone Links

Custom event fired when the user clicks on a phone number. The phone number must use the default tel: marckup. 


Custom event fired when a form’s button is clicked or when the form is submited. It has specific parameters: text, form_class, form_id.

User Sign-up

Custom event fired when a new WordPress account is created.


Custom event fired when a downloadable file is clicked. Specific parameters: download_type, download_name, download_url


Custom event fired when a comment is added. 


Custom event fired when an AdSense ad is clicked.

Fire your own custom or standard events

Trigger your own events to capture actions that really matter for your business. You will have various triggers.

URL Visit

Fire events for speciffic URLs. You have flexible conditions, “contains” or “match”.

Clicks on CSS Selector

With Clicks on CSS Selector you can target clicks on any speciffic element from your pages.

Clicks on URL

Fire events when your visitors click on speciffic URLs.

Page Scroll

Fire events when one or more pages are scrolled up to a percent.

Mouse Over

Fire events when the mouse moves over a speciffic element.

Post Type

Fire events based on WordPress post_type.

Number of page views

Fire events when the user visits a minimum number of pages. 

Email click

Fire events when the visitor clicks on speciffic email links.

Form events

Fire events when a form is submitted.

A common set of useful parameters

All the Facebook Pixel Events on your website will have a common set of parameters, tracking key data that can be used for Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions.

Page Title

The title of the page where the event is fired. 

Post Type

The WordPress post type of the content where the event is fired. Examples: post, product, download, etc.

Post Id

The WordPress ID of the content where the event is fired.

Traffic Source

Use it to create targeted Custom Audiences and Lookalikes, or even Custom Conversions.


UTMs are added to all the events of a given session.  They start from the landing page up to the exit page, allowing for correct conversion attribution.

Visitors’ Browser Time

Your visitors’ browser hour, day and month will be added as parameters, so you can track the real conversion time. You’ll know when is the best time to reach them with offers.

User’s Role

Each event will have user role parameter (visitor, editor, client, admin etc).

Domain URL

Each event will have the site name added as a parameter. This will be very helpful if you use the same pixel on multiple websites.

Plugin’s Name

It will help identify the events fired by PixelYourSite. Some clients have the same pixel or a different one installed by other means, either because they need to, or by mistake.

Event URL

The URL where the event was fired.

Landing Page

The lading page is tracked and added as a parameter to all your events.

WooCommerce Meta Pixel (Facebook Pixel) Integration

Automatic WooCommerce Meta Pixel (Facebook pixel) configuration with ZERO effort and NO CODING. The events are Dynamic Product Ads Ready, having the required content_type and content_ids parameters. Full Facebook Conversion API (CAPI events) support.


The Purchase Event fires on the “Thank You Page” (order-received).You can use Custom Thank You Pages with our Super-Pack.


Fire it for each transaction and use PROFIT as value. You can track both the Total and the Profit for your ads. It works with our WooCommerce Cost of Goods plugin.


The InitiateCheckout Event will be fired on the Checkout Page.


The AddToCart Event will be fired on the add to cart button clicks. You configure it to be fired on the Cart Page or on the Checkout Page if you need to.


Fired when product are removed from the cart.


Fired on product category pages.


Fired on single product pages.


Fired when affiliate products are clicked.


It can be fired on PayPal Standard buttons.


Fired when client reaches a minimum number of transactions. You can define this number, by default is 2.


Fired when a client reaches a minimum number of transactions and a minimum average order value. By default is set at 3 transactions and an average value of 200.


Fired when the client LifeTime Value reaches a minimum. By default is set at 500, but you can change it as you want.

Export your customers

Export a Lifetime Value (LTV) customers file and use it for LTV Lookalikes.

Conversion API (CAPI)

Bypass browser’s restrictions and send the all your WooCommerce events using Conversion API.

Easy Digital Downloads Meta Pixel (Facebook Pixel) Integration

Automatic EDD Meta Pixel (Facebook pixel) configuration with ZERO effort and NO CODING. Conversion value is tracked, and you can customize the value parameter for each event. All the Dynamic Product Ads events and parameters are implemented. Full Facebook Conversion API (CAPI events) support.

Advanced Matching

Securely send Facebook the data that you have about your customers, like their name, email, phone number or address. This will increase conversion attribution and remarketing results.

Facebook Dynamic Ads for WordPress Posts

You can promote your normal WordPress content using Dynamic Ads. The plugin lets you fire the e-commerce speciffic events on simple blog pages.


We have dedicated filters that can be used by developers to disable tracking and we integrate with 4 different “cookie consent” plugins.

WPML Integration

If you use WPML, you can fire different pixels for each language. This feature is part of the Super Pack.

WooCommerce Category Pixel

Fire a Meta Pixel (Facebook Pixel) for each WooCommerce category. This category pixel will get all the e-commerce specific events: ViewCategory, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, Purchase.

Verify your domain for Aggregated Event Measurement

Easily verify your domain so that you can have full access to Facebook Aggregated Event Measurement features.

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