Please read this Refund and Cancelation Policy before making a request.
If you think you qualify for a refund, use our dedicated Refund Page
You can cancel a subscription at any time.
Some products will create a subscription. This will be clearly mentioned when the order is completed.
When an active subscription is created, the license renewal payment is automatically processed. We will send you an email before the renewal takes place.
You can cancel a subscription at any time: login into your account on our website and look for the “Cancel” link. Click on it, and the subscription will be canceled. From this moment no automatic payment will be processed.
If you have problems with our products, we will be happy to provide a full refund within 14 days since the product purchase. After 14 days, no refunds will be given.
Before a refund is granted, allow us to try and help solve any problem you have by opening a ticket in our support desk.
Please give it 24-72 hours for our Support Team to get back to you on your support requests. We do our best to answer a lot faster to your requests.
Refunds are granted if the product doesn’t work as described on our site or in our emails.
Refunds will not be granted if you simply decide not to use the purchased products. We stand behind our products and will assist you in solving any problem you have, but we also expect you to adequately understand what you are purchasing and why.
License Renewals are strictly non-refundable.
License Upgrades are strictly non-refundable.
Some offers might include a non-refundable clause. In this case, it will be visible or linked from the offer page.
Offers and discounts are valid for future orders only and can’t be used to ask for refunds or partial refunds of existing purchases.
Refund requests can be submitted through the contact form. Please accompany your request with detailed and grounded reasons why you apply for a refund.
Please note that we do not bear any responsibility and therefore we do not satisfy any refund requests based on incompatibility of our products with some third-party software (themes, plug-ins, add-ons, modules, search engines, scripts, extensions etc.) other than those which are specified as compatible in a description available on the page of each product. We don’t guarantee that our products are fully compatible with any third-party programs and we do not provide support for third-party applications.
We have no contractual obligations to issue updates or to continue developing any of the provided products. Product development and support can be stopped at any giving time. This cannot constitute the grounds for a refund request. You will be entitled to use the product as it was in the moment of your purchase, or the latest version that you had access to.
Once we get your request, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received it and we will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.
In case your request is judged grounded, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, generally within 2-5 working days since your request has been approved.
Use our dedicated page to ask for a qualified refund: Refund Page
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