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WooCommerce Introduction

IMPORTANT: Don’t add the e-commerce related events by yourself from our Events tab. The plugin will automatically implement them.

PixelYourSite fully integrates with WooCommerce, firing e-commerce related events, and tracking key data as parameters.

If WooCommerce is active on your website you will see a dedicated tab in the main menu. Click on it to reach WooCommerce settings.

The data will be sent to Facebook, Google Analytics, and, if you use our dedicated free add-on, to Pinterest.

Turn ON/OFF the WooCommerce set-up

You can turn ON or OFF all the WooCommerce related events from the dedicated “Enable” button. If you modify it, remember to save the settings.

Facebook Pixel WooCommerce Integration

The plugin will fire all the Facebook e-commerce standard events plus some extra custom events that can be helpful.

Dynamic Product Ads Pixel Set-up

All the e-commerce events are Dynamic Product Ads ready, having the two required parameters:

  • content_type: product or product group
  • content_ids: the id of each product related to the event

The following events are used for Dynamic Product Ads:

  • ViewContent: on single product pages
  • ViewCategory: on WooCommerce category pages
  • AddToCart: when a product is added to cart
  • Purchase: when a transaction is completed

IMPORTANT: in order to run Dynamic Product ads you need a Product Catalog. You can create one using our dedicated Product Catalog Feed Plugin

Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce for WooCommrce

In-depth e-commerce data will be sent to Google Analytics, like transaction value, tax, shipping, products, and product categories. Product views, add to cart, remove from cart, checkout, and purchases are tracked automatically and you can analyze and compare the stats inside Google Analytics E-commerce reports.

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Google Consent Mode V2

How to enable Google Consent Mode V2