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Checkout Behaviour Analysis

For more information about Checkout Behaviour, you can read Google’s help page.

The plugin will automatically track some key steps on the Checkout Page. These are the steps we track:

  1. Initiate Checkout
  2. Add the First Name
  3. Add the Last Name
  4. Add the Email
  5. Click on the Purchase button

What to do inside your Google Analytics account

Inside your Google Analytics, go on Settings > Ecommerce Settings. 

Make sure you have “Enable Ecommerce” and “Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting” turned ON.

Under “Checkout labeling” create 5 funnel steps:

  1. Initiate Checkout
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Email
  5. Click Place Order

Where to find your Checkout Behaviour report

Open Conversions > Ecommerce > Checkout Behaviour.

By default, you will only see up to 5 steps at once. Since our report has 6 steps (including Transaction), you need to click on the “next” arrow to see it in full.


On top of the steps, we also send information about the users’ role and shipping option.

The user role is sent on the Initiate Checkout event. You can see this info by clicking on the grey arrow between step 1 and 2.

The shipping option is sent in step 5 when the “Place Order” button is clicked. In order to see it, you need to click on the “next” arrow (Showing steps). Once the “Session with Transactions” becomes visible, click on the grey arrow between “Click Place Order” and “Session with Transactions”.

IMPORTANT: Checkout Behaviour is available in PixelYourSite Pro starting from v7.3.0. If use an older version, please update your plugin.

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Google Consent Mode V2

How to enable Google Consent Mode V2