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Facebook Pixel Settings

You can control the Facebook Settings by clicking on the dedicated link in the plugin right side menu.

Enable Advanced Matching

When this option is ON, the plugin will send Advanced Matching data for your logged-in visitors.

What is Advanced Matching: it’s a Facebook feature allowing you to securely send them info about your visitors. This info will help Facebook to identify (match) the visitor and make a connection with an actual Facebook account. This is useful for those instances when Facebook can’t do it by the usual means, like existing cookies or logged-in account.

The plugin will send information like:

  • Email
  • Phone
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP
  • Country

This feature is especially useful for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download websites since this is when you are most likely to have details about your users.

IMPORTANT: Because of a Facebook error, when Advanced Matching is ON, Custom Audiences based on the pixel will not show the size number (“Size: -1”, or “Size Unavailable”). They will still work fine for retargeting or Lookalike Audiences. The problem seems related to some privacy concerns. We have an article about this issue here

Remove Facebook’s default events

By default, the Facebook pixel will fire 2 automatic events (Automatic Configuration): button click and page metadata (such as data structured according to Opengraph or formats).

If you want, you can remove them from your pixel by enabling our dedicated option.

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