Ask a refund:

Please read our Refund and Cancellation policy before making a request.

Refunds are granted if the product doesn’t work as described on our site or in our emails.

Refunds will not be granted if you simply decide not to use the purchased products. We stand behind our products and will assist you in solving any problem you have, but we also expect you to adequately understand what you are purchasing and why.

If you want to stop a Subscription (auto-renewals), log in to your account and look for the Subscriptions section. If you have any, you will see a few details, like the product name and the annually billed amount, the status, the renewal date, the initial payment, the number of times billed, and a link for the invoice. To cancel a subscription retrieve the “Cancel” button and click on it.

    Google Consent Mode V2

    How to enable Google Consent Mode V2