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Track Downloads
The Download event
This event will be fired when a file is downloaded. You can configure what file formats will count as a download.
This event will have the following parameters on Facebook and Pinterest:
- download_name: the name of the downloaded file
- download_type: the file format (jpg, png, zip, and so on)
- download_url: the exact URL of the downloaded file
- content_name
- content_category
- tag
- post_type
- post_id
- user’s role
- domain name
- plugin’s name
traffic_source(pro)UTMs(pro)Visitor’s browser’s time (hour, day, month)(pro)
On Google Analytics it will have the next structure:
- Event Category: Download
- Event Action: the downloaded file URL
- Event Label: the downloaded file name
How to use the Download Event on Facebook
You can use it to create Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions. Its parameters will allow you to identify exactly the downloads you need to target.