Manage Facebook Pixel Events with PixelYourSite – VIDEO

Add Pixel Events on any page with PixelYourSite

Adding events is easy and you don’t have to mess with code, edit pages or posts. Simply use the intuitive menu and you’ll only need a few clicks.  If you want to improve your ads profitability by optimizing them for conversion on your site, you will need to fire Events on your most important pages. Facebook supports a number of 9 Standard Events:

  1. ViewContent: When a key page is viewed such as a product page, e.g. landing on a product detail page
  2. Search: When a search is made, e.g. when a product search query is made
  3. AddToCart: When a product is added to the shopping cart, e.g. click on add to cart button
  4. AddToWishlist: When a product is added to a wishlist, e.g. click on add to wishlist button
  5. InitiateCheckout: When a person enters the checkout flow prior to completing the checkout flow, e.g. click on checkout button
  6. AddPaymentInfo: When a payment information is added in the checkout flow, e.g. click / LP on save billing info button
  7. Purchase: When a purchase is made or checkout flow is completed, e.g. landing on thank you/confirmation page
  8. Lead: When a sign up is completed, e.g. click on pricing, signup for trial
  9. CompleteRegistration: When a registration form is completed, e.g. complete subscription/signup for a service

Additional to the Standard Events, you can create your own custom events, by giving a different name to the event.

Events Parameters

Each event can have various parameters. They are basically pieces of code telling Facebook more about the event in question, like value, currency, content name, time on page and so on. Parameters can be really useful when you create Custom Audiences based on events and you need to segment them more accurately.

For example, you can create a Custom Audience filled with clients that bought products from just one specific category and worth at least $100. In order to do this, you will have to select the Purchase Event (clients) and two additional parameters: category_name = “the desired category name” and value => 100.

How to use Pixel Events

There are two main ways you can use events:

Optimize your ads for them

You have to select “Increase conversion on your website” as your ads objective, then select the desired event. This way Facebook will send you traffic that is more likely to convert for that particular event.

Note: You can only select one of the nine Standard Events as your campaign objective. You can’t directly select a custom event for this.

Pro Tip: If you want to optimize your ads for a custom event, you must create a Custom Conversion based on it first. After that, you can select the Custom Conversion as your campaign objective. You can apply the same strategy if you need to target only some of the users that triggered a Standard Event: create a Custom Conversion based on the Standard Event and select the meaningful parameters to better define the desired action that represents your conversion.

Create Custom Audiences

That’s the other important tactic that can involve Events. You can create a Custom Audience based on a particular event by selecting Custom Combination and then the desired event and its parameters (optional).

This way you will have some highly engaged Custom Audiences that you can retarget with ads, or you can use to expand your reach by creating Lookalike Audiences.

Events and PixelYourSite

PixelYourSite automatically adds a number of events on your site, like the GeneralEvent (packed with useful parameters) or the TimeOnPage Event (tracking time spent on every page by your visitors).

If you are using WooCommerce, all the necessary events will be added too: ViewContent on product pages, AddToCart on button clicks and cart page, InitiateCheckout on the Checkout Page and the Purchase Event on the Thank You Page.  All sorts of useful parameters will be tracked and ready for you to use. Dynamic Ads are fully supported.

If you need to add additional Events on any page of your site, you can do this with great ease. There is a dedicated menu just for that, and you will never need to edit any post or pages. Simply follow the steps presented in the video above and your will be good to go. We also have a Help Page on how to add Events

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