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Track Google Ads Conversion on WooCommerce

You can transform any standard WooCommerce event into a Google Ads conversion by adding the “conversion label”.

Track Purchases as Google Ads conversions

Open the PixelYourSite Pro WooCommerce tab and look for “Track Purchases”. Click to expand and look for the “conversion label” field. “Enable the purchase event on Google Ads” must be turned ON.

Paste the conversion label you’ve generated inside your Google Ads account and save the new settings.

Multiple Google Ads Tags

If you have multiple Google Ads tags installed on your website you have to select the send the conversion to the same Tag ID (conversion) where it was created.

How to configure a conversion inside Google Ads

Conversions must be configured from inside your Google Ads account:

Click on the “Tools” icon in the top menu and then on “Conversions” link, under MEASUREMENT:

Click on the large blue PLUSS button to add a new conversion. Select “Website” and configure your conversion.

Select the appropriate category (Purchase) and give it a meaningful name:

Select “Use different values for each conversion”:


Google will create the Conversion for you. You now need its “label” to add it inside PixelYourSite Pro.

You will see 3 options to integrate the tag. Select the last one, “Use Google Tag Manager”:

Copy the “Conversion label:

Paste the conversion label in the special field of PixelYourSite Pro Purchase event as described in the first part of this page.

Table of Contents

Google Consent Mode V2

How to enable Google Consent Mode V2